
Many Apo-Logies for the Continued Hiatus

I thought I was all settled in, ready to get back to this, but things have gone haywire for me in ways I am not comfortable discussing here. Other than that, moving is hell, and redesigning a usable workspace is a nightmare.

So, I'm probably going to continue hiating (is that even a word?), until such time as I can take some time out from other things and at least scan some older works to post.Expect weekly updates for now, and then I'll get back on schedule.

Thank you,
the overworked management


Day 72: Red Road


Red Road (2007) Digital photograph, digitally retouched, cropped.

Another incredible image taken on our trip, this one of a red dirt road in the Texas Panhandle.
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Day 71: Hiatus over


I return with a striking image of the sky from our trip. Cropped, uncorrected.
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